Friday 2 October 2015




“I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by.”



Monday 7 September 2015

fauvism inspired jewelry box

The design of the jewellery box is inspired from the “FAUVISM” Art Movement. Fauvism is a movement in French painting that revolutionized the concept of colour in modern art .The free spirit depicted in the painting –THE OPEN WINDOW from the art movement was the inspiration. The “OPEN WINDOW” by HENRI MATISSE is the view of the garden with boats at the port, seen through the window.  Various other elements were derived such as ABSTRACT, PEACE, NATURE and peace was taken as the sub theme. Material was taken according to the mood of peace and material board was created accordingly.
The dove and the book used in the design represent “PEACE” which is the emotion that is derived from the inspiration board. The book will act as a box that will hold the jewellery. The dove is shown as holding the book on its wings. The use of lace is done to show the element of abstract that is inspired from the art movement. The use of CDs (Compact disc) is done to show the use of colours similarly like the art movement. Wood is inspired from nature because of which it shows peace. There is no knob to open the door to keep the natural look of book. Cloth is placed in both the boxes to impart finishing. The black lines are used to show the effect of pages.

Monday 24 August 2015


Creativity is a phenomenon whereby something new and somehow valuable is formed. The created item may be intangible (such as an idea, a scientific theory a musical composition or a joke or an original physical object (such as an invention, a literary work or a painting).